Friday, November 7, 2008

My love affair with the fall continues

I looked out the window today and saw a blanket of leaves at least three layers deep on the space where Dits and I used to play badminton. I decided to stop watching 3rd Rock and enjoy the weather and be productive at the same time. Twenty minutes later, the grass peeked out.

Thanksgiving is coming. I've been meaning to make'll happen soon enough.

My new obsession? Textured tights - especially the heavy ones that will keep me warm aaaaalllll winter long. I no longer have to curb my love for dresses! It makes me a much happier person.

Finally - Every day, I read about people not being able to pay mortgages and the crisis that car companies and retails face. I phonebanked and canvassed for president-elect (the italics signify the giddiness and the chills I feel every time I say that) OBAMA. He, rightfully, called out to all Americans to do their part. Post-election I've found myself without that "sense of purpose" that we talked so much about. I think I am going to start volunteering at a shelter. Do what I can.

1 comment:

RD Batra said...

(Year round sunshine) > (Four seasons), therefore
Los Angeles >> The world